21st– 27th August 2022 | BEC | Basque Country | Spain

Social programme

The Social programme is a great opportunity to reconnect with old acquaintances and build new connections while discussing your latest achievements or sharing family news over refreshments and top cuisine. Join in those lively evenings. All participants are warmly welcome.

Welcome reception
Welcome reception



The Welcome Reception of the CIRP2022 will take place at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre rooftop terrace on the 7th floor. It is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking views from Bilbao from over 52 meters while networking, meeting old friends and colleagues, as well as to meet new people as the program begins.

Assembly dinner
Assembly dinner

Euskalduna Palace


The Euskalduna Palace is located in the centre of Bilbao right next to the river and it is a symbol of Bilbao 21st century’s architecture. The building was designed by architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios to resemble a ship under construction, because it stands on the site formerly occupied by the Euskalduna shipyard. It won the Enric Miralles award for architecture at the 6th Spanish Architecture Biennial in 2001.

Farewell dinner
Farewell dinner

Loizaga Tower


Located in a captivating and breathtaking landscape 30kms from Bilbao the majestic fortress of Torre Loizaga, formerly built in the fourteenth century is nowadays the shelter of a unique collection of Rolls-Royce. An impressive set of cars collected through an exhaustive study of the British firm complemented by a series of pieces from different brands of classic and modern cars dating from the dawn of the automobile era to the present day.


  • Ideko
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Faculty of Engineering
  • Tekniker
  • Universidad de Zaragoza

Public Sponsors

  • Bilbao udala
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Ekonomiaren garapen eta azpiegitura saila
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Hezkuntza saila

Diamond Sponsors

  • Danobat group
  • Mitutoyo Europe GmbH

Gold Sponsor

  • BRTA
  • Module Works

Silver Sponsors

  • Aldakin
  • Fagor automation
  • Kistler
  • Renishaw
  • Sikulan
  • Zayer


  • Saint-Gobain Abrasives