21st– 27th August 2022 | BEC | Basque Country | Spain


As Conference Chairman, it is my great pleasure to invite you to sponsor the 71st CIRP General Assembly held in Bilbao (Spain) on 21-27 August 2022.

The CIRP General Assembly is an annual event, globally recognized as a leading conference devoted to production engineering and attracting in the order of 700 leading international researchers. It is commissioned by the CIRP, The international academy for production engineering 71st CIRP General Assembly in Bilbao is hosted by Ideko, Tekniker, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and University of Zaragoza.

The conference will address many aspects of production engineering: including design approaches and tools, machines, production processes, tooling, metrology and inspection equipment.

This year, due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation the CIRP GA 2022 will be organized in hybrid format, taking appropriate safety measures, and following all government regulations. We believe that the best GA experiences are real life moments, memories and face to face meetings that connects and enrich the CIRP community. Therefore, the conference layout will follow the traditional CIRP presential format. We are aware that the Covid-19 situation all over the world may not facilitate or allow to travel in some cases and, therefore, we also offer the opportunity to participate in online form. We hope that you will join us at this conference, and we look forward to meeting you in Bilbao.

We hope that you will join us at this conference and we look forward to meeting you in August.

Dr.Jokin Muñoa

Dr. Jokin Muñoa


  • Ideko
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Faculty of Engineering
  • Tekniker
  • Universidad de Zaragoza

Public Sponsors

  • Bilbao udala
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Ekonomiaren garapen eta azpiegitura saila
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Hezkuntza saila

Diamond Sponsors

  • Danobat group
  • Mitutoyo Europe GmbH

Gold Sponsor

  • BRTA
  • Module Works

Silver Sponsors

  • Aldakin
  • Fagor automation
  • Kistler
  • Renishaw
  • Sikulan
  • Zayer


  • Saint-Gobain Abrasives